Saturday 2 September 2017

One week after planting

An update for you -  it has been one week after planting and I am happy to say that no plants have died - so far. Both troughs are looking good on a week when the weather has been very changable. It started of at around 31C and now we are more like 20C on the balcony.

Sunday 27 August 2017

Troughs: Planting

Moving on from the last post I want to start here by letting you know how I finished the second trough. I left enough space at the top and just dropped in the plants then added the grit and compost mix around them and just over them too. Once that was done I added the slate in a decorative way around them.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Troughs: Getting ready for the plants

I'm going with Alpine Plants for everything as they are hardy and don't mind getting wet but need to drain well. Plus I actually prefer them as the tend to be smaller or at least if you manage them - that's the idea anyway.. I bought 2 troughs as planned and drilled plenty of drainage holes in the base.

Thursday 20 July 2017

The first plan

So a few days have past and I have decided to start a plan so I can start my own rock garden. The first thing I have done is mapped out my balcony to make things easier..

Sunday 16 July 2017

An Idea

When I was younger I had a gardening job working at someones house doing the lawn and weeding - I got confused between the plants that should be avoided and the weeds.  Needless to say my job did not last long and there ended my interest in gardening - however, I have to say it was just another of my money making schemes.